As of February 3rd, 2016, there were changes to the requirements for Work Permits for Canada. Please see https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/work-canada.html for up to date and accurate information.
If you are a member of a film crew, filming in Canada for distribution by a non-North American market and audiences and;
- - your primary source of income remains outside Canada; and
- - your principal place of work is located outside Canada
you may enter Canada as a Business Visitor as per regulation R186(a) .
Please be reminded that while a visa or permit may not be required for your visit to Canada, the final decision rests with the Canada Border Service Officer at the Port of Entry.
If possible, a letter of invitation from Canada, should be presented to the examining officer at the Canadian port of entry.
The length of stay and crew size are not limited, although an Officer at the port of entry must be satisfied that both correspond with the final product being filmed.